
Electrophysiological Characterization for iPSC-derived Cell Lines

The electrophysiological characteristics of cardiomyocytes and neurons derived from human iPSCs are essential for modeling related diseases and determining drug responses. Creative Bioarray has developed advanced and effective strategies to provide customers with services for electrophysiological characterization of iPSC-derived cell lines. Our professional scientific service and customer-oriented attitude will bring you a satisfactory service experience.

Characterization Services for iPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes

Cardiomyocytes derived from human iPSCs (hiPS-CMs) are promising for the development of research tools to evaluate cardiotoxicity. The main advantage of these cells is that they retain the same genetic information as the donor, thus allowing for disease- or patient-specific phenotypic and drug response research. Electrophysiological characterization of hPSC-CM is essential to identify changes due to mutations in cardiac ion channels or drugs targeting ion channels and may cause sudden cardiac death.

With an advanced technology platform, researchers at Creative Bioarray have established and offered electrophysiological analyses of hiPS-CM. Our technical support includes but is not limited to:

  • Cellular and molecular characterization of hiPSC-CM.
  • Elucidation of the electrophysiological/pharmacological profiling of hiPS-CMs using the patch-clamp technique.
  • High-throughput recording of electrical waveform signals generated and shaped by small clusters of cardiomyocytes or monolayers using multi-electrode array (MEA) technology.
  • Analysis of QT and RR intervals.

Fig 1. MEA Recording of hPSC-CMs.Fig.1 MEA Recording of hPSC-CMs. (Sala, 2017)

Characterization Services for iPSC-derived Neurons

The advent of iPSC reprogramming technology provides a tool to model complex inherited neurogenetic diseases. This technology allows for the generation of patient-specific cell lines and their differentiation into specific neuronal subtypes. Electrophysiological analysis of early neuronal development is critical to identify alterations in activity that can lead to synaptic dysfunction and improve disease therapies. Therefore, our research team focus on the electrophysiological analysis of iPSC-derived neurons, developing various strategies and providing customers with the following technical support:

  • Using multi-well microelectrode array (mwMEA) to record the activity of human iPSC-derived cultures developing spontaneous neurons over time. This technique facilitates the prediction of neurotoxicity using iPSC-based models.
  • Using high-density microelectrode array (HD-MEA) to study the physiology of neurons at different scales, ranging from single neuron to subcellular characteristics.
  • Using the automated patch clamp (APC) platforms to characterize hiPSC motor neurons from healthy and patient individuals.

Fig 2. Spatial distribution maps of electrodefiring rates for neurons.Fig.2 Spatial distribution maps of electrode firing rates for neurons. (Ronchi, 2021)


  • Phenotypic characterization and drug testing
  • Study on safety pharmacology
  • Applications in personalized medicine

Creative Bioarray has developed a variety of advanced technologies to provide various electrophysiological characterization services for different iPSC-derived cell types including cardiomyocytes and neurons. If you need our technical support, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Sala, L.; et al. Electrophysiological analysis of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hPSC-CMs) using multi-electrode arrays (MEAs). JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments). 2017 (123): e55587.
  2. Ronchi, S.; et al. Electrophysiological phenotype characterization of human iPSC-derived neuronal cell lines by means of high-density microelectrode arrays. Advanced Biology. 2021, 5(3): 2000223.
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.